MEM outlines three main roles: the proponent, the opponent, and the judge. The proponent defends the motion while the opponent questions it.
There are two types of motions: practical and epistemic.
In the run-up to a Munāẓara tournament, a list of possible motions is announced in a way to offer the participants some time for initial preparations. The specific motion to be debated in each round is revealed 15 minutes before the round, giving parties time to prepare.
A Munāẓara unfolds over three distinct stages, each contributing towards the cultivation of targeted virtues:
Opening Stage: should take a maximum of 10-minutes and aim to achieve consensus on the resolution that will provide the basis for the argumentation stage.
The Argumentation Stage: serves as a minutely designed space for developing and engaging with arguments, specifically designed to promote intellectual rigor and precision in analysis, and respectful engagement with the opposing party.
A maximum of 20 minutes is allotted to this stage, and each individual move—be it presenting an argument, raising an objection, or charging a refutation—has an absolute limit of one minute.
The participants are encouraged to see their turns not as short speeches, but as a space for a move required at the specific juncture of the unfolding debate. They are expected to practice 'ijāz – the virtue of succinctness – in managing their time, and act according to the requirements of the argumentative encounter.
The stage is initiated by the proponent, who presents an argument for the motion with premises leading to a well-defined conclusion.
The opponent critically questions the proponent's argument. This critical testing may take three main forms: (a) raising an objection to individual premises, (b) charging the overall argument with a deficiency-charge, or (c) introducing a counter-argument to the motion.
Responding to the opponent's moves, the proponent defends their position. If objections are raised, they either (d) uphold their premise against the objection or (e) formulate a new argument for the same motion that is void of the objection. Should an inconsistency-charge be levied against their argument, (f) they present new arguments for the motion that avoid the stated inconsistency. If faced with a counter-argument, the proponent now assumes the role of the opponent, critically testing the offered counter-argument with objections, refutations, and eventually, counter-arguments.
Throughout this stage, the primary goal is manifesting the ādāb through the argumentative conduct. To this primary end, the Munazir is expected to remain focused on understanding (fahm) the motion and contributing towards a mutual understanding (tafhim), rather than on 'winning' or ‘exposing’ the opposing side.
Concluding Stage: In this final 4-minute stage, both the proponent and the opponent reflect on the outcomes of the argumentation stage, assessing the strengths of their arguments. Each side is allowed 2 minutes of discussion, during which intellectual honesty, humility and fair-mindedness are of utmost importance as the participants engage in ilzām (by the proponent) or ifhām (by the proponent), offering a sincere meta-reflection on the argumentation stage. In this stage, participants are neither supposed to offer new arguments nor make a case for why their side of the motion has better arguments. Instead, they are supposed to assess the entire engagement that took place in the Argumentation Stage. Participants can offer their assessment and justify why they think their own engagement, or that of their opponent, is better. Alternatively, they could simply admit defeat or register any change of mind or position.
The role of the judge is to oversee the debate to ensure that it adheres to the outlined structure and principles, and to assess the overall Munāẓara in its three stages.